
  • CFP. Issue 27. Сhildren's literature on media carriers


    We want to dedicate the 28th issue of Children's Readings to children's literature on various media carriers.

    Despite researchers' understandable preference for studying printed texts for children, the history of children's literature in the 20th century cannot be written based solely on "paper" books. Literary works for children were also distributed as film adaptations and various forms of video and audio recordings, with video and voice versions often becoming the most widespread way for audiences to become familiar with Buratino, Winnie the Pooh, Alisa Selezneva, and other literary characters.

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  • CFP. Issue 27. The problem of addressing children's literature


    Dear colleagues,

    We would like to dedicate the 27th issue of Children's Readings to the problem of addressing children's literature. Literature created for children is the result of authors construction of a child's view of the world, a child's optics and worldview. The approaches used by authors to solve these problems vary from one literary period to another. The idea about the child reader as the addressee of a children's book has also changed considerably in the history of children's literature. Actors in the production of children's literature, such as children's writers, publishers, editors, illustrators, educators, critics play an important role in the construction of these perceptions.

    Read more about CFP. Issue 27. The problem of addressing children's literature
  • CFP. Issue 26. Geographical space in children’s literature


    We would like to dedicate the 26th issue of Children’s Readings to the theme of geographical space in children’s literature.

    We propose to discuss real and fictional geography in children's literature. The structure and hierarchy of landscapes, the depiction of borders, countries, areas is one area of research. On the other hand, it can be an understanding of the evolution of topography and geography in different genres of children's literature and in different eras. Finally, the aspect of ideological geographical marking of places that develops in children's literature, and above all the changes in the selection of geographical material due to the dynamics of political circumstances and public sentiment, seems significant.


    Read more about CFP. Issue 26. Geographical space in children’s literature
  • Children's readings at ANVUR


    Уважаемые коллеги,
    Мы рады сообщить, что журнал «Детские чтения» включен Национальным агентством по оценке системы университетов и делла Рицерка (ANVUR) ​​в список научных журналов класса А: wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Elenco-riviste-scie_Area10_05092023.pdf

    Следующий выпуск HR будет посвящен исследованию межкультурных связей в детской литературе. Правила подачи заявок для публикации в журнале:

    Read more about Children's readings at ANVUR
  • CFP. Issue 25. Сultural transfer


    Dear colleagues,

    we want to devote the 25th issue of Children's Readings to studying intercultural relations in literature for children. The issue's theme is conditioned by the need to comprehend children's literature as an instrument of cultural transfer.

    The influence of another culture on the development of national children's literature is studied by researchers from different aspects, but first of all, from the interiorization of works, plots, and images placed within other linguistic grounds.

    The problems associated with cultural transfer are not limited to the history of translations from one language into another. No less attention should be paid to the process of assimilation of foreign literature and expansion of one's own at other levels of literary production: the formation of a cross-national canon, migration of styles and genres, bilingualism/multilingualism of writers, inertia and intervention of publishers when transferring literary works to different cultural "soil," crossover in popular culture, and so on.

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  • CFP. Issue 24. History in children's literature


    We want to devote the 24th issue of Children’s Readings to the theme of history and the representation of the past in children’s  literature. First, the range of possible research questions is related to the social and political contexts of children’s writers’ references to   history, the conditionality of which may differ. Equally important is the didactic orientation of literature for children, which determines the use of historical figures and events as material for moral evaluations. Children’s literature is also actively included in ideological education projects, which determine the actualization of some historical epochs, events, and persons and the silencing of others. In times of sociopolitical shifts, children’s literature is in demand in processes of revision of the past, for example, participating in the  transformation of imperial narratives into Soviet or postcolonial ones, of heroic into traumatic ones, and vice versa. The second line of research on the representation of history in children’s literature involves addressing questions of poetics and literary pragmatics. How is the representation of history organized in the texts of different authors, trends, and eras? In what cases and in what ways, beyond the historical genres themselves, do writers resort to the use of “historical settings”? How have the forms and modes of working with “historical material” changed and varied over the course of the history of children’s literature?

    Read more about CFP. Issue 24. History in children's literature
  • CFP. Issue 23. Сhildren's creativity


    Dear Colleagues,

    We invite you to participate in the 23rd issue of Children’s Readings, which will be devoted to children’s creativity. By focusing on “children’s creativity,” we propose to understand both the processes and the results of children’s creative efforts that adults consider aesthetically valuable. Since the New Age, there has been a gradual recognition of the autonomy of childhood, and adult attention to children’s drawings, poems, diaries, and plays is evident and growing.

    Read more about CFP. Issue 23. Сhildren's creativity
  • Декларация о создании Ассоциации гуманитарных научных журналов


    Декларация о создании
    Ассоциации гуманитарных научных журналов

    Принимая во внимание,

    • что развитие ситуации не дает оснований считать, что в ближайшее время качество управления наукой повысится,

    • что добровольное объединение увеличивает вес каждого журнала, входящего в объединение,

    • что добровольное объединение научных изданий сможет стать независимой экспертной силой, которая могла бы противостоять автаркизации науки, распространению «мусорных» журналов, недобросовестных статей и общей формализации экспертизы качества,

    мы, редакторы журналов, настоящим объявляем о создании Ассоциации научных журналов гуманитарной и социальной направленности — добровольного неформального объединения.

    Цели Ассоциации:

    • объединение усилий научных журналов в деле поддержания высокого уровня гуманитарных (социальных) наук,

    • сохранение международного статуса российских гуманитарных (социальных) исследований,

    • укрепление связей внутри неформального квалифицированного экспертного сообщества в области гуманитарных (социальных) наук,

    • повышение роли экспертного фактора оценки научной деятельности на фоне ее растущей формализации, разработка качественных критериев оценки,

    • содействие росту качества научных публикаций, в том числе за счет исследований уровня и качества журналов и их публикационной политики, организации рецензий и дискуссий, тематических круглых столов и секций на профессиональных форумах,

    • обмен идеями в области издания гуманитарных журналов, сохранение научных журналов как центров развития и обсуждения новых научных направлений, следование лучшим традициям мировой науки,

    • отстаивание интересов гуманитарных научных журналов в местных и федеральных органах управления наукой,

    • создание общей интернет-площадки для оперативной коммуникации членов Ассоциации,

    • иные формы защиты интересов журналов-членов Ассоциации.

    Для достижения указанных целей Ассоциация формулирует Временное положение, в котором описывается порядок работы Ассоциации, порядок приема в нее новых членов и порядок выхода из Ассоциации.


    Сергей Сергеевич Алымов, к.и.н., главный редактор журнала «Антропологии / Anthropologies»

    Людмила Анатольевна Алябьева, к.филол.н., шеф-редактор журнала «Теория моды: одежда, тело, культура»

    Мария Вячеславовна Ахметова, к.филол.н., зам. главного редактора журнала «Живая старина», зам. главного редактора журнала «Шаги / Steps»

    Всеволод Евгеньевич Багно, чл.-корр. РАН, главный редактор журнала «Русская литература»

    Альберт Кафшуллович Байбурин, д.и.н., главный редактор журнала «Антропологический форум»

    Ольга Владиславовна Белова, д.филол.н., главный редактор журнала «Живая старина»

    Елена Львовна Березович, чл.-корр. РАН, главный редактор журнала «Вопросы ономастики»

    Татьяна Владиславовна Вайзер, к.филол.н, PhD, шеф-редактор журнала «Новое литературное обозрение»

    Николай Борисович Вахтин, чл.-корр. РАН, зам. главного редактора журнала «Антропологический форум»

    Валентин Вадимович Головин, д.филол.н., зам. главного редактора журнала «Русская литература»

    Евгений Васильевич Головко, чл.-корр. РАН, главный редактор журнала «Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Труды Института лингвистических исследований»

    Анна Владимировна Дыбо, чл.-корр. РАН, главный ред. журнала «Урало-алтайские исследования», зам. глав. ред. журнала «Российская тюркология»

    Алексей Леонидович Елфимов, к.и.н., PhD, гл. редактор журнала «Этнографическое обозрение»

    Александр Юрьевич Желтов, д.филол.н., главный соредактор журнала «Language in Africa»

    Елена Владимировна Желтова, к.филол.н., главный редактор журнала «Philologia Classica»

    Николай Николаевич Казанский, академик РАН, главный редактор журнала «Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология» 

    Кирилл Рафаилович Кобрин, к.и.н, шеф-редактор журнала «Неприкосновенный запас»

    Светлана Геннадьевна Маслинская, к.филол.н., соредактор журнала «Детские чтения»

    Сергей Юрьевич Неклюдов, д.филол.н., главный редактор журнала «Фольклор: структура, типология, семиотика»

    Юлия Викторовна Норманская, д.филол.н., зам. главного редактора журнала «Урало-алтайские исследования»

    Александр Валерьевич Пигин, д.филол.н., член редколлегии журнала «Словесность и история»

    Ирина Дмитриевна Прохорова, главный редактор издательского дома «Новое литературное обозрение»

    Дарья Александровна Радченко, канд. культурологии, зам. главного редактора журнала «Фольклор и антропология города»

    Ирина Александровна Седакова, д.филол.н., главный редактор журнала «Славяноведение»

    Светлана Алексеевна Семячко, д.филол.н., главный соредактор журнала «Словесность и история»

    Сергей Валерьевич Соколовский, д.и.н., зам. главного редактора журнала «Этнографическое обозрение»

    Дмитрий Владимирович Спиридонов, к.филол.н., зам. главного редактора журнала «Вопросы ономастики»

    Андрей Болеславович Шлуинский, к.филол.н., главный соредактор журнала «Language in Africa»

    Временное положение
    об Ассоциации гуманитарных научных журналов

    Ассоциация является неформальным объединением, не имеет юридического лица и никак не регистрируется.

    Ассоциация учреждается членами-учредителями, подписавшими Декларацию о создании Ассоциации. Члены-учредители имеют право (но не обязаны) войти в Совет Ассоциации.

    Совет Ассоциации состоит из главных редакторов журналов — членов Ассоциации, либо членов редколлегий / редакций, которым главные редакторы поручают представлять журнал в Совете. Совет собирается один раз в год, в марте, в онлайн-формате. При необходимости по требованию не менее половины членов Ассоциации может быть собрано внеочередное собрание Совета.

    Члены Совета выбирают председателя и секретаря Совета сроком на один год.

    Прием новых членов Ассоциации осуществляется на заседании Совета по рекомендации не менее трех членов Ассоциации квалифицированным большинством голосов (2/3 от списочного состава). Выход из Ассоциации любого члена осуществляется в любой момент путем письменного заявления его главного редактора (редакторов), направленного всем членам Ассоциации.

    Read more about Декларация о создании Ассоциации гуманитарных научных журналов
  • Invitation to participate. Issue 22. Concept and institutional history of children’s literature


    The 22nd issue of Children’s Readings focuses on the institutional history of children’s literature and its conceptualization—that is, how, and by what means, individual texts aimed at children are transformed into a single space/field called “children’s literature.” For children’s literature to take hold as a whole, texts that aspire to be part of it need to be understood as intended for children, to fit into existing notions of childhood, and, accordingly, to be supported (or rejected) by publishers and booksellers, educators and librarians, critics and literary historians.

    Read more about Invitation to participate. Issue 22. Concept and institutional history of children’s literature
  • Invitation to participate. Issue 21. The relations between Italy and Russia in children’s literature


    The 21st issue of Detskie Chteniia (Children’s Readings) is devoted to the relations between Italy and Russia in children’s literature.

    Unlike the study of English and German influences on Russian children’s literature, the Italian impact rarely comes into the focus of scholars’ attention. In fact, cooperation between Italy and Russia has developed and strengthened over the past three centuries. From the 18th century onwards more and more Italians visited Russia, and Russian travellers, among them writers and poets, became acquainted with Italian culture, which was clearly reflected in the literature addressed to children. The works of Edmondo De Amicis were extraordinarily successful among Russian readers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, as it was the discovery in Italy of the fables of Krylov, the Russian folktalkes collected and arranged for children’s reading by A.N. Afanasiev, and the tales of Alexander Pushkin, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    Russian classical and Soviet literature gets a new rise in popularity in Italy in the 1920s, when the first courses of Slavic Studies started at different universities in Italy, and the Russian emigrants of the first wave began to actively cooperate with the Italian cultural figures. At the same time Soviet Russia starts to publish translations and retellings of world classics into Russian, and Italian literature has a place of honour among them. “The journey to Russia” by a wooden puppet called Pinocchio, is an illustrative example of the transfer of an image and its ideological domestication in Soviet Russia; in the second half of the 20th century another example of an Italian writer’s resounding success with Russian children is Gianni Rodari.

    The influence of Maria Montessori's methodology was of great significance in shaping the common field of pedagogical ideas in Italy and Russia. The assimilation of her pioneering ideas, at the beginning of the 20th century, had a profound effect on the conception of childhood in early Soviet Russia and had a considerable influence in the 1990s, an influence that continues to endure to the present day. These ideas were most directly embodied in the experimental children’s books of the 1920s and beyond.

    In the era of totalitarianism, there are also some similarities between the ideological attitudes in Italy and in the Soviet Union. In particular, the great attention paid to youth organizations, the censorship regulations of the publishing process (especially in the field of children’s literature), and the propagandistic desire to form a “new citizen”, they all serve to highlight the role of ideology in the education of children and its visualization in both Fascist Italy and in Communist Soviet Union.

    In the current situation, Italy and Russia continue to develop the established cultural links, in a twofold direction by translating contemporary Italian children's literature into Russian, and contemporary Russian authors into Italian.


    In this context, we would like to suggest the following areas for discussion:



    - Italian children's literature in Russia and Russian children's literature in Italy: authors, genres, topics, images;

    - the image of Italy in Russian children’s literature and the image of Russia in Italian children’s literature;

    - translations and publishing projects of Russian-language children’s literature in Italy and Italian works for children in Russia: a linguistic or sociocultural analysis;

    - the mutual influence of pedagogical theories and concepts;

    - the mutual influence of visual culture in Italian and Russian children’s literature, in particular the tradition of children’s book illustration;

    - the role of ideology in children's education and its visual embodiment in the epoch of Fascism and Stalinism.

    - Trends in recent translated children’s literature in Russia and Italy.



    Articles written in Russian, Italian and English will be accepted for publication. All articles reviewed and accepted for publication will be translated into English. The working language of the issue is English.


    You are welcome to participate. Please advise colleagues who may be interested in the above mentioned areas of research.

    In addition to submitting papers on relevant issues, we also welcome papers in the REVIEWS and CONFERENCES sections of the journal.


    More information on our website:

    Submission requirements:


    Length of articles: max. 40.000 characters


    The deadline for submission is December 1, 2021.

    The deadline for submission of the final version of the article is March 1, 2022 after undergoing double review.

    The issue will be published in June 2022.

    Please send proposed articles for publication to the Editorial Board at



    Cooperation is welcome,

    “Detskie Chteniia” Editorial Board


    Read more about Invitation to participate. Issue 21. The relations between Italy and Russia in children’s literature
  • Appendix to the 18th edition of Children's Readings


    We are glad to announce the Appendix to the 18th edition of Children's Readings. It contains critical articles not included in the Archive Block, prepared by Sergei Ushakin (see Children's Readings. 2020. No. 2 (18) pp. 9-122.). All articles are devoted to one or another aspect of Russian poetry for children; the earliest article is dated 1898, the latest – 1937.

    The published collection of reviews, reviews, and pamphlets is interesting material on the history of critical reflection of teachers and literary critics about children's literature. To a certain extent, these articles show how the principles and methods of literary and social analysis of children's poetry took shape in Russia from the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries to the end of the 1930s.

    Read more about Appendix to the 18th edition of Children's Readings
  • In memoriam: Mikhail Davydovich Yasnov (1946-2020)


    On October 27, 2020, a poet, translator, children's writer, and our longtime friend Mikhail Davydovich Yasnov passed away.

    While we were just getting together with the thoughts of creating a scientific and not a critical magazine about children's literature, Mikhail Davydovich strongly advised not to delay this matter. And in 2012, the first issue of Children's Readings was released. Mikhail Davydovich immediately became a member of the Editorial Board of Children's Readings. That is, he was with us from the very moment the magazine was founded, when the prospects for the existence and development of this project were still very vague. He inspired and encouraged us in our seemingly adventurous endeavor, talking about the need to preserve and consolidate the professional community of specialists dealing with children's literature, and found this unifying potential in Children's Readings. Mikhail Davydovich was one of those writers who see scientists not as impassive vivisectors of their works but as enthusiastic researchers of texts and words, like poets. It was a great honor for the staff of our magazine to see Mikhail Davydovich among like-minded people.

    His energy, enthusiasm, love for poetry and children's literature, benevolence, optimism, humor, love of life encouraged and infected. It's hard to believe that Mikhail Davydovich is no longer with us. R.I.P.

    Read more about In memoriam: Mikhail Davydovich Yasnov (1946-2020)
  • Call for papers. Issue 19. Fairy tales and fantasy


    The 19th issue of «Children's Readings» will be devoted to the study of fairytales and the fantastic in children's literature. These aspects of literature for the young are immense due to the employment of fantasy and the fantastic in various genres in children’s literature. This narrative mode occupies an almost dominant place in modern children's literature, such as fantasy, fairy tale, thriller, vampire fiction, and science fiction.

    Read more about Call for papers. Issue 19. Fairy tales and fantasy