Vol. 21 No. 1 (2022): Russian-Italian Relations in Children's Literature

					View Vol. 21 No. 1 (2022): Russian-Italian Relations in Children's Literature

The 21 st issue of Children’s Readings is not the first issue of our journal devoted to the links between Russian children’s literature and other national children’s literature. Studies on Scandinavian children’s literature, on Russian-German contacts in the sphere of publishing and literature for children, on Chinese, and more broadly Eastern, literature for children and young people have been presented in the pages of Children’s Readings in different years. The peculiarity of this issue is that it is entirely devoted to the Russian-Italian relations in children’s literature and created jointly with our Italian colleagues. The focus of research interest is the range of works that have managed to cross the borders of national literature, factors influencing their success on a different national ground, processes of cultural transfer and reception of Italian children’s literature in Russia and Russian children’s literature in Italy.

Published: 2022-09-19

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