Vol. 11 No. 1 (2017)

					View Vol. 11 No. 1 (2017)

The 11th issue is devoted to children's reading in/about the widely understood East. Sergei Anikeev and Akifimi Takeda, studying Russian writer-Esperantist Vasily Yakovlevich Eroshenko, who lived in Japan, wrote in Japanese and contributed to the development of children's literature in this country. The translator herself, including children's literature, Lena Baibikova, offered her interview with the translator and Japanese literature publisher. Ludmila Averyanova, Ksenia Golovina, and Anna Savinykh, who live in Japan, shared their thoughts on Japanese books for kids. Olga Simonova wrote an article about creating The Tower of Babel and Other Ancient Legends, a version of the Bible for children, and attempts to publish it in the 1960s in the USSR. A commentary translation of a fragment of the book by Bing Xing, a Chinese writer, one of the founders of modern children's literature, was provided by Natalya Vladimirovna Zakharova. This time, we deliberately did not strictly distinguish between "Research" and "Materials" sections, articles from essays, as we wanted to show the polyphony, diversity of interests, and researchers' topics.

Published: 2020-06-30

Children’s Books in the Domain of Reading for Adults
