Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014)

					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014)

The 5th issue of "Children's Readings" is devoted to the formation of the literary canon, teaching literature at school, and the place of the classics in modern reading. Writers, critics, bibliographers, teachers of literature, and propagandists of reading answer the questions of our Questionnaire and discuss the practice of supporting reading (new textbooks and exhibitions, holding festivals, scientific research, fairs, training of teachers). The researchers' publications cover a wide temporal and thematic range: from pre-revolutionary anthologies (A. Kostin) and teaching literature in school in the 1930s. (E. Ponomarev), to the works of Oleg Grigoriev (A. Gubaidulin) and Ekaterina Murasheva (L. Rudov). The section "Reviews" presents the reactions of researchers to the materials of the Bologna Book Fair (E. Kazakova) and the events "Week of Children and Youth Books" (A. Dimyanenko).

Published: 2023-09-12
