Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013)

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013)

The third issue of Children's Readings is devoted to the correlation between children's literature and ideology. The authors of the issue, leafing through Soviet children's books, try to answer the questions arising from these institutions' relationship. What restrictions do genre forms impose on ideological postulates: for example, how is local history writing embedded in the patriotic state discourse and, at the same time, in the avant-garde projects of legitimizing the child-writer? What is the genesis of the Soviet heroic models of behavior presented in children's literature? In what artistic forms were the boundaries of heroic and everyday behavior established? Are these forms specific for the Soviet period? How do ideas about the so-called universal human values ​​- friendship, love, heroic deeds vary in certain periods? The presented studies, in our opinion, demonstrate that the research of the evolution of social and pedagogical ideas embodied in children's literature, the typology of the heroic, the genesis of ethical principles, the influence of the adult literary tradition on the children's, allows us to clarify something in the Russian children's literature of the 20th century.

Published: 2020-11-04

Questionnaire of "Children's Readings"