Why Can’t Zhenya Alexandrova And Lida Zorina Have teams Of Comrades?


  • Irina Savkina University of Tampere




The article examines two popular Soviet works for teenagers — the short
story by Arkady Gaidar “Timur and his team” (1940) and the trilogy “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades” (1947–1951) by Valentina Oseeva. Both pieces depict the teenage community as a “school” of discipline and leadership. The article focuses on the analysis of the images of girls in these texts and their role in the group of comrades. A close analysis of the texts allows us to come to the following conclusions: although the Soviet teenage community admits and even assumes the participation of girls, their functions in the team are specific and refer to the traditional female roles in a patriarchal society: mother, helper, nurse of mercy, and mourner. Therefore, girls cannot pretend to be a leader in a team of friends. This role is a tabooed for them, at least in these two especially popular children’s texts, which certainly formed young readers’ role models, social expectations, and gender stereotypes. To a certain extent, they have been preserved to these days.

Keywords: Soviet children’s literature, collectivity, leadership, gender roles, images of girls, Arkadiy Gaidar, Valentina Oseeva



How to Cite

Savkina И. (2021). Why Can’t Zhenya Alexandrova And Lida Zorina Have teams Of Comrades?. Children’s Readings: Studies in Children’s Literature, 20(2), 323–337. https://doi.org/10.31860/2304-5817-2021-2-20-323-337


