Criticism of children's literature 1864-1934: fragment of the annotated index


  • Aleksandr Beloysov
  • Olga Luchkina
  • Inna Sergienko
  • Valentin Golovin
  • Svetlana Maslinskaya


To date, researchers of Russian children's literature do not have a complete retrospective bibliography of criticism of children's literature at their disposal. There are only well-known indexes prepared by I.I.Startsev (1896–1967) in 1962 and 1967, and the index of 1977 by ZS Zhivova and N.B. Medvedeva, who continued their work after his death. These pointers cover critical literature from 1918-1977. The remaining periods of the existence of criticism of children's literature are not systematically documented. The annotated index below is a pilot phase of the work. The structure of the annotation developed by the project participants is designed to present the author of the critical article, his social profile, the main categories of criticism on which he relies as clearly and concisely as possible, and contains a short retelling of the article.



How to Cite

Beloysov А., Luchkina О., Sergienko И., Golovin В., & Maslinskaya С. (2015). Criticism of children’s literature 1864-1934: fragment of the annotated index. Children’s Readings: Studies in Children’s Literature, 8(2), 6–29. Retrieved from




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