Copyright and License Statement

«Children's Readings» is an open-access journal. The journal does not charge authors for publication and distribution, reviewing, and editing of materials. The journal does not pay royalties to the authors for publication. The journal's open-access policy is developed following the definition of open access formulated in the Budapest BOAI initiative: all the content of the journal is available on the Internet for reading, download, and replication. Any user can search or refer to the full text of articles. «Children's Reading» provides open access to its content on the premise that the free flow of research promotes wider knowledge sharing.

Articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license 4.0 International (СC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license gives users the right to read, copy, and distribute the publication in any medium and any format if this is done for non-commercial purposes and the authors of the publication are correctly referenced. The Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license does not authorize the user to transform licensed material or redistribute the converted material. By submitting an article for publication in «Children's Readings,» the author guarantees that it has not been previously published or sent for publication in another journal. Authors reserve the right to replicate the article or part of the materials for their own research purposes, indicating the first publication in «Children's Readings.»

Authors must sign a License Agreement before publishing material in the journal. Read the journal's guidelines for authors for details on the details of the journal's License Agreement.

License Agreement