Fairy Tales yesterday and today. Review of Articoni A., Cagnolati A. (Eds.), Le metamorfosi della fiaba, Tab Edizioni, Roma, 2020


  • Stefania Carioli University of Florence, Italy




The review of “Le metamorfosi della fiaba” underlines the importance of concepts such as meta-history and metamorphism in the study of fairy tales. The collection of essays displays a variety of approaches, which allows the reader to tackle this issue from very different points of view. Particular attention is paid to the re-creation and re-mediation of fairy tales according to different narrative media, from oral story to musical theater, from cinema to picture books. The overall impression given by the book is that the metamorphoses of the fairy tale continue to confirm its significance even
today and through a symbolic and figurative language reveals the variety of relationships between human beings in an intuitive and polysemantic way.

Keywords: metamorphism, fairy tale, re-mediation, meta-history, transpo-
sitions, cross cultural analysis



How to Cite

Carioli, S. . (2021). Fairy Tales yesterday and today. Review of Articoni A., Cagnolati A. (Eds.), Le metamorfosi della fiaba, Tab Edizioni, Roma, 2020. Children’s Readings: Studies in Children’s Literature, 19(1), 425–430. https://doi.org/10.31860/2304-5817-2021-1-19-425-430



Book Reviews