Die un/sichtbare Welt: Reception of J. A. Komensky’s Orbis Sensalium Pictus. Pedagogical Practices and Early Translations


  • Vitaly Bezrogov Center for the History of Pedagogy and Education of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education"


In his comprehensive study of Jan Amos Komensky’s Orbis Sensualium Pictus and its reception in Russia during the first half of the 18th century, Vitaly Bezrogov analyzes practical activities of the German Village in Moscow. This work, entitled, “Die un/sichtbare Welt: Reception of J. A. Komensky’s Orbis Sensalium Pictus. Pedagogical Practices and Early Translations”, follow the implementations of Komensky’s teaching materials in the Russian educational system. The history of the translation of Orbis Pictus in 1768 is thoroughly analyzed.

Keywords: J. A. Komensky, instructional literature, pedagogical culture, reception, methodological practices



How to Cite

Bezrogov В. (2018). Die un/sichtbare Welt: Reception of J. A. Komensky’s Orbis Sensalium Pictus. Pedagogical Practices and Early Translations. Children’s Readings: Studies in Children’s Literature, 13(1), 220–284. Retrieved from https://detskie-chtenia.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/312



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