"Moment of shift": comics from Japan and Japanese children's literature in Russia: L. Baibikova's Conversation with E. Ryabova and D. Yakovlev


  • Lena Baibikova University of Foreign Languages (Kobe, Japan), General Department of Russian Language


A conversation between Lena Baibikova, the well-known interpreter from the Japanese language, Dmitry Iakovlev, the director of “Bumkniga”, a publishing house specialized in original comic books, also the host of drawn stories festival “Bumfest”, and Ekaterina Riabova, children’s Japanese literature (including graphic literature) translator was named “‘The shift moment’: Japanese comic books and Japanese children’s literature in Russia”. According to this title, the conversation is devoted to the history, translation, and distribution of Japanese graphic literature in Russia and to peculiarities of its perception by the Russian audience.



How to Cite

Baibikova Л. (2018). "Moment of shift": comics from Japan and Japanese children’s literature in Russia: L. Baibikova’s Conversation with E. Ryabova and D. Yakovlev. Children’s Readings: Studies in Children’s Literature, 11(1), 55–67. Retrieved from https://detskie-chtenia.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/249


