Set of Postcards or Seven Contemporary Books for Slow Reading


  • Ekaterina Asonova Лаборатория социокультурных образовательных практик  Московского городского педагогического университета (ГАОУ ВО МГПУ), автор и руководитель проекта «Детские книги в круге чтения взрослых»


The material offered to your attention is a new author's column of "Children's Readings" journal, which will present postcard reviews of the brightest, most interesting books by contemporary authors writing in Russian. Basically, we will talk about books for slow reading, which give the reader the advantage of an intimate leisurely reading, in a sense, protect his private space. For works of slow reading, there is one more general characteristic - they are rarely created according to the laws of a mass genre, which means that their appearance was associated with the formation of a new image of the world, with the author's claim to novelty and originality, with the reader's expectations to meet the unexpected.



How to Cite

Asonova Е. (2016). Set of Postcards or Seven Contemporary Books for Slow Reading. Children’s Readings: Studies in Children’s Literature, 10(2), 333–343. Retrieved from



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