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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Please email submissions to the editorial board:
  • Ensure that the text, references, and bibliography meet the requirements listed below

Author Guidelines

General paper structure

1. Text length should be up to 40 000 characters with spacings and paragraphs

2. Title page must include:
- Author’s full name
- Title of the article
- Current position and academic degree
- Address, e-mail, and phone number

3. Following page must contain abstract where the author presents the main ideas of the article (length of the abstract should be approximately 1000 characters) and 8-12 keywords in both Russian and English

4. Citations and references must be placed at the end of the document, after the main text

Text Formatting Requirements

- Author and title. Surname and initials must be placed upon the title, justified by right, in italic

- Main text should follow the title in two paragraph spacings

- To emphasize a word or a phrase, use italic letters. If the selected text is a part of a quote, comment in brackets (emphasis added — A.A.)

Citation and references

- Explanatory remarks and references must be placed in the endnote

- Direct quotations. Citations of moderate length (up to 5 lines) should be set off in double angle quotation mark: «I’ll pay your price.» Use single quotation marks for quotations within quotations: «‘Agreed.’ She raised her hand, the fire died».

- Block quotations. If the length of a quote is above 5 lines, the quote should be separated from the main text with an extra paragraph spacing added before and after the main text. Also, both left and right indents should be decreased by 1 sm. Spacing between lines needs to be changed to 12 pt. Quotation marks are unnecessary; however, internal citations still require a double angle quotation mark.

- To mark omissions within a quotation, use ellipsis inside of single angle quotes (left and right): <...>

- Mentioned source or placed quotation should be followed by author’s name, year of publishing, and page number inside of square brackets: [Лупанова 1969, 47]; [Зингерман 1926, 51].

- In a case of multiple quotations from the one source, it is advised to add a note to its first reference in the text, informing that for this source, page numbers will be set off in the main text inside square brackets after the quotation.

Short citations from poems (3 lines or less) are cited in-text with breaks marked with a slash «/» at the end of each verse line. Long quotations (4 lines and more) are inserted as block quotations in which the author’s line breaks maintain, and formatting is close to the original’s.

- Citation and references should be placed in the endnote: «Note» section is intended for explanatory remarks, «Studies» and «Sources» are for bibliographical references, which are expected to be divided between the two groups depending on the type of material. References should be arranged in alphabetical order.

- If two or more papers of one author published the same year are cited, references should be arranged in alphabetical order.

- Notes should be formatted in common style with a link to reference list in the endnote (publisher and page number are necessary to mention).

- For links to web pages, the access date should be specified.

- The bibliographic description in the articles must comply with the requirements of GOST 7.0.5-2008 and must contain the name of the publisher, the names of editors, compilers (for collections, conference materials, reference books), the name of the scientific organization (for dissertations and thesis abstracts).

- Sources of citations and references to sources should be given with a reference to the bibliography at the end of the text of the article and in square brackets, for example: * See. also: [Иванов 2013; Абызов 1994].

The list of sources should consist of three sections: Sources, Research, References.

References list example:


Азарин 1936 − Азарин А. Непроизнесенная речь. О детском кино вообще и о мнеии Л. Кассиля о советской мультипликации // Кино. 1936. № 1, 6 янв. С. 5.

Выставка детской книги... 1928 − Выставка детской книги и детского творчества Японии. М.: ВОКС; ГАХН, 1928.

Бенуа 1990 − Бенуа А. Мои воспоминания: в 2-х т. М.: Наука, 1990. Т. 1. (Литературные памятники).


Безродный 1992 − Безродный М. К генеалогии «Мухи-Цокотухи» // Школьный быт и фольклор: Учеб. материал по рус. фольклору. Таллин: 1992. Ч. 1. C. 207-222.

Безродный 1986 − Безродный М. Ключи сказки: [рецензия] // Литературное обозрение. 1987. № 9. С. 61--64. Рец. на кн.:
Петровский М.С. Книги нашего детства. М.: Книга, 1986. 286 с.

Вдовенко 2007 − Вдовенко И. В. Стратегии культурного перевода. СПб.: РИИИ, 2007.

Де Флорио 2020 − Де Флорио Д. «„C чем нужно бороться и что приветствовать“ в детской литературе: секретный бюллетень Главлита от 1924 г.» // Детские чтения. 2020. 1 (17). С. 48–61. 10.31860/2304-5817-2020-1-17-46-61.

Курбанова 2015 − Курбанова М. Г. Эргонимы современного русского языка (семантика и прагматика): автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.01 / Волгогр. гос. соц.-пед. ун-т. Волгоград, 2015.

Неклюдов 2007 − Неклюдов С.Ю. Происхождение анекдота: «Муха-цокотуха» под судом советских вождей // Post-Socialist Jokelore. International symposion. [Tartu, Estonian Literery Museum] January 15th-16th 2007 = Постсоциалистический анекдот. Международный симпозиум, [Тарту, Эстонский Литературный Музей] 15-16 января 2007 January 15th–16th 2007. 15–16 января 2007 / сост. Koostaja A. Krikmann. Tartu: Estonian Literary Museum, 2007. С. 37-42.

Хеллман 2016 − Хеллман Б. Сказка и быль: история русской детской литературы / пер. с англ. О. Бухиной. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2016. 

Connell 1995 − Connell R.W. Masculinities: Knowledge, Power, and Social Change. Berkeley: UC Press, 1995.

Donson 2004 − Donson А. Models for Young Nationalists and Militarists: German Youth Literature in the First World War // German Studies Review. 2004. Vol. 27, No. 3. Pp. 579–598.


Bezrodnyy 1992 − Bezrodnyy, M. (1992). K genealogii «Mukhi-Tsokotukhi» [To the genealogy of "Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly"]. In A.F. Belousov (Ed.), Shkol'nyy byt i fol'klor [School life and folklore: textbook. material] (pp. 207-222). Tallinn: Tallinn ped. in-t.

Bezrodnyy 1987 − Bezrodnyy, M. (1987). Klyuchi skazki [Keys to fairy tales] [Review of the book Knigi nashego detstva [Books of our childhood], by M.S. Petrovskiy]. Literaturnoe obozrenie, 9, 61--64.

Vdovenko 2007 − Vdovenko, I. V. (2007). Strategii kul'turnogo perevoda [Strategies for cultural translation]. Saint Petersburg: RIII.

Neklyudov 2007 − Neklyudov, S. Yu. (2007). Proiskhozhdenie anekdota: «Mukha-tsokotukha» pod sudom sovetskikh vozhdey [Origin of an anecdote: «Муха-цокотуха» (“The fly, the jabberer”) on trial of Soviet leaders]. In Koostaja A. Krikmann (Ed.), Post-Socialist Jokelore. International symposion. (pp. 37-42). Tartu: Estonian Literary Museum. Retrieved from:

Kurbanova 2015 − Kurbanova, M. G. (2015). Ergonimy sovremennogo russkogo iazyka (semantika i pragmatika) [Ergonyms of the Modern Russian Language (semantics and pragmatics)] (doctoral dissertation). Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Volgograd.

De Florio 2020 − De Florio, G. (2020). «C chem nuzhno borot'sya i chto privetstvovat' v detskoy literature»: sekretnyy byulleten' Glavlita ot 1924 g. [“What to fight and what to welcome” in children’s literature according to a secret glavlit bulletin (1924)]. Detskie chtenia, 1 (17), 48–61. 10.31860/2304-5817-2020-1-17-46-61

Hellman 2016 − Hellman, B. (2016). Skazka i byl': Istoriya russkoy detskoy literatury (1574-2010) [Fairy tales and true stories: the history of Russian literature for children and young people (1574-2010)] Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. (In Russian).

Connell 1995 − Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities: Knowledge, Power, and Social Change. Berkeley: UC Press.

Donson 2004 − Donson, А. (2004). Models for Young Nationalists and Militarists: German Youth Literature in the First World War. German Studies Review, 3(27), 579–598.

Illustration Formatting Requirements

- Illustrations should be mailed to us as separate files. We recommend to use *.tif, *.jpg format images no less than 300 dpi (please, try to find illustration with the highest possible resolution).

- Images must not violate any copyright laws, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain the copyright holder’s permission in writing to reproduce images for both print and web publication. Covers and spreads of books, frames from films, covers of records, stamps, images from “Wikipedia” can be used without permission.

- Notes for illustrations should be sent in *.doc file with title «Подписи под иллюстрациями». The file should contain names of files with images and comments to tables, figures, and illustrations. In brackets put the quote from the text to indicate where the illustration should be placed. Illustration number should match the order in which they appear in the article.

Notes for illustrations example

miron01 – Tolstoy L. Bukvarik, 1884. (link to the paragraph "Changes made in the journal")
miron02 – Zakhoder B. Title page of the 1st edition of "Winnie the Pooh", 1958. (link to the paragraph: "It is not easy for Boris Zakhoder to translate Winnie the Pooh")



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